
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s ratings slide in state poll

Six New Jersey newspapers have taken issue with Christie’s new alliance with Trump; they came together to issue a joint editorial calling for Christie to resign as governor. In one particularly hard exchange, Christie refused to say he disagreed with Trump’s ban on Muslims – even though as a candidate, he had brought this up as an indication that Trump wasn’t fit to serve as president.


Conservatives and liberals alike piled on.

“Christie enthusiasm level: hostage video”, wrote Matt Duss, president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace. He was also adamant that he wasn’t doing so: “Chris Christie is not interviewing or considering any other public job”.

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Meg Whitman, a former California gubernatorial candidate and the national finance co-chair for his failed presidential campaign, called Christie’s endorsement “an astonishing display of political opportunism”. “And all these armchair psychologists should give it a break”, Christie said.

The papers urged Christie to resign as governor and said the citizens of New Jersey should initiate a recall effort if he refuses.

In a move that shocked almost everyone, especially in Democratic-leaning New Jersey, Christie endorsed his fellow Republican Trump last week and has appeared at the billionaire businessman’s side at campaign appearances over the past few days.

Christie ended his 2016 presidential bid after a poor showing in the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary.

Christie wasn’t really a favorable governor in the first place, but further neglecting his constituents and becoming one of Trump’s flunkies to push his own personal agenda has to be the lowest he has ever stooped.

It should be no surprise, then, that according to the Fairleigh Dickinson poll, Christie’s support back home has continued to fall.

The newspapers aren’t the only ones frustrated with Christie’s performance.

Why would Chris Christie go out of his way to endorse someone who he seems visibly unable to stand in person?


Christie refers to the candidate, who is supposedly his longtime friend, as “Mr. Trump”, while Trump refers to the governor as “Chris”. “That’s not been part of my discussions with Mr. Trump in the lead up to my endorsement”. That was a departure for Christie, whose press briefings typically last more than an hour as he responds to various topics.

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