
You Can Now Vote for Doom’s Reversible Cover

Which box art do you like more?


The rather generic-looking space marine and the garish yellow background didn’t provide the thrill that most longtime Doom fans were expecting. Similarly to what Irrational Games did with the BioShock Infinite box art, they plan to offer a reversible cover with new art.

The first cover plays heavily into the Satanic history of Doom’s monsters, featuring a demonic head and pentagram.

There has been a lot of criticism of the cover, and Bethesda has responded by giving folks a choice. “It looks like someone turned Bud Light into a video game”. It’s clearly the better option of the two, in this writer’s humble opinion.

Yesterday, Bethesda launched a poll to determine which of two reversible covers fans would like to see for DOOM when it launches this May.

Thankfully, we have Option B, which is a tribute to the original Doom box art, which is wonderful.

Fans can vote for their favorite via Bethesda’s Twitter poll. The one that should have been the game’s front cover in the first place.


DOOM will be heading to Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC on 13th May 2016.

Vote on Doom's alternate box art