
White House considers appeals judge for SCOTUS

“So this vacancy will not be filled this year”, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said.


“At this point, everything looks like they’re going to be staying in session”, he observes. Obama was elected twice to fully carry out the duties of the presidency as delineated in our Constitution.

And Chambers warns that an Obama-stacked court would be extremely problematic.

A new poll released Friday indicates that Senate Republicans’ efforts to obstruct the nomination of new Supreme Court Justice may already be injuring their chances for re-election this November.

Don’t bet on it Biden defends damaging ’92 Supreme Court comments McConnell and Grassley have stood tall, but pressure is just beginning MORE on Thursday used a New York Times op-ed to explain a 1992 speech Republicans have used to justify blocking President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee.

Democrats railed against Republicans for refusing the president’s coming nomination, suggesting they’re shirking their constitutional responsibilities.

The Kentucky and Iowa Republicans, respectively, were called to the White House to discuss a path forward, or the lack thereof, along with their Democratic counterparts, Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada and the Judiciary Committee’s ranking member, Patrick Leahy of Vermont.

JOHNSON: In other words, when President Obama chooses a nominee, that person will get no hearing and no vote.

During the meeting, Obama laid out his thinking on his nominee search and offered to consider any suggestions for candidates.

‘This vacancy will not be filled this year, ‘ McConnell said after the meeting.

“I was honored to recommended to the President that he nominate Jane Kelly to serve as a judge on the United States Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit”, said Harkin in 2013.

“Whether everybody in the meeting today wanted to admit it, we all know that considering a nomination in the middle of a heated presidential campaign is bad for the nominee, bad for the court, bad for the process, and ultimately bad for the nation“, Grassley said.

McConnell did the vast majority of talking during the session, according to an individual familiar with the meeting who asked for anonymity in order to speak freely, and no one offered any potential names during the discussion.


While Americans await the results of the Super Tuesday election results, if businessman Donald Trump or former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton move closer to being their party’s general election nominees, McConnell may eat his words.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden meet with Sen. Patrick Leahy D-Vt. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid D-Nev. Sen. Chuck Grassley R-Iowa and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell R-Ky. to discuss the Supreme Court