
Bringing Down Fruit, Veggie Prices Can Reduce Risk Of Heart Disease

When people had about two to four drinks, after 24 hours they had about a 30 per cent lower risk of heart attacks and hemorrhagic strokes than their abstaining peers, researchers report in the journal Circulation.


Heavy drinking, however, was associated with higher risk of heart attack and stroke across the board, Mostofsky said.

Dr Elizabeth Mostofsky of Harvard University said: ‘There appears to be a transiently higher risk of heart attack and strokes in the hours after drinking an alcoholic beverage but within a day after drinking, only heavy alcohol intake seems to pose a higher cardiovascular risk.

The study follows guidelines from Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer, which contends that any level of regular alcohol consumption “carries a health risk”.

Mostofsky and her team said that alcohol is both harmful and beneficial.

Moderate drinking – up to six drinks a week in this study – was associated with an immediately higher cardiovascular risk but within a day was considered protective and associated with a lower risk of a having heart attack or stroke from bleeds and within the week was associated with a lower risk of strokes from clots.

It only showed an association between drinking alcohol and heart disease and stroke risk. “If you do drink, do so in moderation, and if you’re on medications or have other health concerns, talk with your doctor about whether even moderate drinking is safe”.

Moderate drinking is defined as up to one drink daily for women and up to two drinks for men.

Drinking alcohol, a review of past research indicates, is associated with an immediate higher risk of stroke or heart attack.

As Reuters reported, the scientists performed a meta-analysis of nearly two dozen previous studies with a combined total of almost 30,000 participants.

Downing six or more drinks today significantly increases your risk of experiencing heart attacks and strokes over the next seven days, a new study presented at the American Heart Association meeting suggests.

Within one to three hours, a single dose of alcohol increases heart rate and disrupts the heart’s normal pacing but by 24 hours, moderate alcohol intake improves blood flow, blood vessels’ lining function and reduces clotting.

“Moreover, especially with binge drinking, the risk of vehicle accidents increases by many folds”, Lippi added. However, for heavy drinkers (15 more drinks a week for men, and 8 drinks or more for women) have greater risk for heart attack and stroke all the time.

“A change in your diet can be challenging, but if achieved through personal choice or changes in the market place, it can have a profound effect on your cardiovascular health”, said lead author Thomas A. Gaziano, assistant professor at Harvard University.


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