
Prisoners clashed on cabin stay before splitting up

Two killers who escaped last month from a maximum-security prison in northern New York bushwhacked, tramped through swamps and put pepper in their boots to elude the army of searchers on their tail, as mentioned by the coordinator of the manhunt. He said that if someone showed up, they could either take him hostage or kill him, Sweat told police after his capture.


Authorities said she provided Richard Matt and David Sweat with tools they used to cut through cell walls for their escape from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York.

Guess, relying on Sweat’s account, said Matt panicked after they peered out from under a manhole cover and realized Mitchell was not showing.

They ran away from the cabin on June 20 with an unloaded shotgun after a man went to check on the area.

A hunter who leased the cabin along with several other corrections officers drove an all-terrain vehicle to the camp June 20.

Matt was shot dead on June 26 in nearby woods. Sweat was shot and captured. Sweat was desperate to get rid of Matt, who had become a liability.


Clinton County District Attorney Andrew Wylie told the Press-Republican that Mitchell is due in court at 10:30 response to a Superior Court information document, an alternative way to present charges instead of through a grand jury.

David Sweat left and Richard Matt escaped from a maximum-security U.S. prison on June 6 and had differing views on whether to remain at an upstate New York cabin