
Gay marriage plebiscite this year: Brandis

A spokeswoman said it would be held “as early as possible after the election” but could not say whether that would be by the end of the year.


The timeframe means that marriage equality could be a reality by the end of the year despite who wins the next election.

“The bill to constitute the plebiscite will be introduced early in the life of the parliament…in the event that there would be a “yes” vote the government would legislate to give effect to the wishes of the people”.

In Sunday’s interview Senator Brandis said both he and Mr Turnbull wanted to allow same-sex marriage.

“I believe that marriage is one of the fundamental institutions of society and I think it’s important that the fundamental institutions of society reflect the fundamental values of society”, Senator Brandis said.

“I’m astounded the prime minister is refusing to let the parliament do its job”, Mr Shorten said.

“This is a position I have come to over the years and after a lot of reflection”, he said.

But Labor said if the senator was so confident that a plebiscite would take place and be approved by the parliament by the end of the year, what was the need for a plebiscite at all?

Senator Brandis had no doubt that if the public voted “yes”, parliament would follow the will of the nation.

His promise of protection was cautiously welcomed by the Australian Christian Lobby.

Marriage redefined will affect more than just religious.

On Sunday, Mr Brandis said he supported Prime Minister Turnbull’s decision to attend Sydney’s 38th Gay and Lesbian Mardis Gras on Saturday night – the first Australian prime minister to do so. Shorten attended for the first time.

Labor says the plebiscite will be a waste of taxpayer money, some $A160 million, and is just another sign of Mr Turnbull giving in to the far right of his party.

Turnbull, considered a moderate in his Liberal Party-led conservative Coalition government, has long attended Sydney’s world-famous Mardi Gras as it falls within his electorate.

“He’s got an opportunity to bring the Parliament with him, a vote on marriage equality, we should have that done before the next election”.

He said the Coalition would propose during the election campaign that relevant sections of the Marriage Act, which contain the current definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman – inserted by the Howard government – should be amended. “We should have that done before the next election”, Senator Di Natale told ABC TV.


‘On marriage equality, the fact he is somebody who at least expresses views contrary to Tony Abbott’s, but he’s carrying on with Tony Abbott’s divisive plan for a plebiscite’.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull pledged to hold a public vote on same-sex marriage