
EU President Donald Tusk tells economic migrants: ‘Do not come to Europe’

An EU-Turkey summit on the crisis is scheduled for March 7 in Brussels.


Europe is asking illegal economic migrants to stay away.

Ahead of Monday’s meeting of European Union and Turkish leaders, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said Turkey must ensure the numbers drop towards zero. Almost 10,000 people are stranded in the village of Idomeni alone, which lies near the Macedonian border. Additionally, some 2,000 people are entering the country each day.

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker told a lecture in the Hague on Thursday that Austria had been wrong to close its border with another Schengen country.

The Directorate General of Migration Management said they re-entered Turkey by the Ipsala border post in Edirne province. The Oscar-sized alabaster statuettes were created by the Sumerian civilization which inhabited present-day Syria and Iraq. “Restoring borders between two Schengen countries will destroy the common market”, he said. Denmark on Thursday renewed its checks for another month.

“Germany does not want Greece to be neglected, and I do not want that in any way”.

The European Commission is setting November as “the target date for bringing to an end the exceptional safeguard measures”.

“Significant refugee flows to Europe, spurred largely by the Syrian conflict, coupled with broadening attacks on civilians in the name of the extremist group (ISIS), have led to growing fear-mongering and Islamophobia”, Human Rights Watch said in its 2016 World Report.

“I will rather kill myself then turn back in the other direction”.

The EU aid package, which must be approved by member states and the European Parliament, was unveiled just days after German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that debt-hit Greece must not be allowed to plunge into “chaos” as the bottleneck on the Macedonian border grows.

Meanwhile, countries along the Western Balkan route are closing their gates, spurred on by an Austrian decision to impose refugee quotas.

“Those who manage to arrive in Greece should not be allowed to continue on their journey”, Sebastian Kurz told the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. “That is understandable in human terms, but we can not offer this”.

“The day this relationship unravels, migrants will no longer be in Calais”, he said.

“It is for Turkey to decide how best to achieve such a reduction”, Tusk added, floating the idea of a “fast and large scale mechanism” to ship back irregular migrants from Greece.

But he insisted that the solution can only be temporary and Greece will accept only its fair share of permanently resettled refugees.

EUROPEAN Council President Donald Tusk warned “economic migrants” from the war-torn Middle East and Africa not to come to Europe yesterday.

“It is all for nothing”, he said.

Turkey and Greece are key countries in the context of the unprecedented migrant crisis, as the vast majority of incoming refugees, most of whom do not qualify for asylum, cross from Turkey to the Greek islands, in the Aegean Sea.

The Polish European leader already visited Vienna, Ljubljana, Zagreb and Skopje and after Greece he travelled to Turkey and is also due to Belgrade, to complete his tour of the countries on the Balkanic route.


More than a million people reached Europe last year and some 133,000 arrived on the continent so far this year in what has grown to be a major crisis for the bloc, that now also risks turning into a humanitarian disaster. Greek police say 130 people crossed the border from 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Thursday.

Refugees wait for permission to cross the Greek border at a camp in Idomeni northern Greece