
Trump Blames ‘Very Bad Earpiece’ For KKK Comments

Duke, a former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, also denied Monday that he had formally endorsed Trump, but said he would vote for the real estate mogul and had encouraged others to do the same.


Several high-profile SC supporters of Donald Trump say they’re still backing the billionaire businessman after a flap over his immediate refusal to denounce an implicit endorsement from a former Ku Klux Klan leader.

Trump on Monday said he is aware who Duke is but never met him.

Duke on his radio show told listeners that while he is not endorsing Trump, a white person voting against him is voting against his heritage. “Because I know nothing about David Duke; I know nothing about white supremacists”.

Mr Romney, who has not yet endorsed any Republican candidate, described Mr Trump’s response as “disqualifying and disgusting”.

Huckabee’s comments come just one day after House Speaker Paul Ryan publicly criticized Trump for refusing to disavow the Ku Klux Klan.

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump and Marco Rubio will be stumping in Louisiana when the dust clears from Super Tuesday as both candidates seek to build support before Saturday’s primary in the state.

He later complained he didn’t hear the questions in the interview because of a “bad earpiece”. Trump, who is now trying to clean up the mess, blamed the incident on a bad earpiece.

Arkansas Blog’s David Ramsey notes that “Huckabee’s daughter, for the record, just started working for the Trump campaign”. If you would send me a list of the groups, I will do research on them and certainly I would disavow [them] if I thought there was something wrong.

“How many times do I have to continue to disavow people?” he said.

Trump waved off questions about Duke during a Sunday morning appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union”. Seconds after Christie finished proclaiming his support, Trump ordered him to “get on the plane and go home”, an awkward exchange that was caught on camera and quickly spread around the Internet.

One problem, though: Ryan, as a Republican leader, has still pledged himself to support the GOP nominee – even if it’s Trump. “Yet while Donald Trump’s radical agenda does not reflect the values of the American people, it is a ideal reflection of many in the House Republican Conference”.


“What we can’t let happen is the scapegoating, the blaming, the finger pointing that is going on on the Republican side”, Clinton said in MA on Monday.

Donald Trump