
Did Trump, Rubio seriously resort to penis comparisons? [pics sadly]

The Fox News Channel debate among Republican front-runner Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and John Kasich drew 16.9 million viewers, according to early Nielsen data provided by the network on Friday.


Here are a few of the most memorable lines.

Trump then noted the hands comment Rubio had made.

“It looks like Louisiana will follow the trends with the previous results from Super Tuesday, whereby Clinton will win by a significant margin”, Lee said. But they have, and it’s thanks in large part to Florida Sen.

He added a touch of civility, Trump-style, by saying he was taking back his labeling of Rubio as a lightweight.

Mr Kasich was the most hesitant, but ultimately said that while “sometimes (Trump) makes it a little bit hard”, he would support him if he is the nominee. He has done so to people sitting on the stage today.

“The people who think you’re a hero” for criticizing Trump are asking a question, Lauer began, which is “why did you wait so long?” He has done it about with every candidate in this race.

“I don’t know how someone from the establishment attacking Donald Trump is going to hurt Donald Trump; that’s his whole point”. “I guarantee you, there’s not problem with that”, Trump said.

Trump on whether he would be willing to negotiate on his Mexican border wall promise: “The wall’s 50 feet high”. “I want that to end, and I’m going to continue to work for that to end”.

During Thursday’s debate, Trump told Kelly she’s “looking well”, and said it was nice to be at the event with her. “Because I don’t know if you noticed, but the convention is in OH”.

“We should go for waterboarding and we should go tougher than waterboarding”, he said. “It happened one time because the guy is a rhetorical bully”.

“I totally disavow the KKK, I disavow David Duke – you’re the 18th person who’s asked me the question”, Mr Trump said.

It did not take long for insults to start flying between the candidates, despite Trump, Rubio and Ted Cruz pledging to keep the debate civil and about policy issues. “And let’s stop fighting”.

You have to hand it to Donald Trump.


“He’s making promises he has no intention of keeping … he’s trying to con people into giving them their vote, just like he conned people into giving him their money”.