
Arnold Schwarzenegger gives first Snapchat presidential endorsement

When Kasich told him years ago he was planning to run for governor of Ohio, Schwarzenegger said he told him, “I’ll be back” to support him again.


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Kasich often mentions his fellow Republican governor on the trail while recounting the times he’s complained to him about negative ads.

“It has to be done fairly… you can’t have a bunch of people in smoke-filled rooms”. He said he feared a convention could be controlled by “connected interests”. Kasich on Sunday expressed excitement over the possibility of a brokered convention.

This past Tuesday, Bill Kristol showed how it is in the self-interest of Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich to focus their efforts strategically to maximize the chances of Rubio winning Florida and Kasich winning OH, thus denying Trump the delegates from these winner-take-all primaries on March 15.

The Ohio governor says voters care about substance and experience and he insists that his prospects are improving as the campaign moves into his home turf.

Die-hard conservatives are gathering for the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC (“see-pack”). It’s just a matter of us being Americans and not Republicans or Democrats. Ford ultimately received the nomination on the first ballot.

Calley announced his decision Friday at Kasich campaign event in Holland, Michigan.

John Kasich made good today on his pledge to make public his federal income tax returns, revealing that he and his wife made more than $5 million over the past seven years. He sat 18 points behind Trump and 10 and nine, respectively, behind Texas Sen.

But first, Florida Sen.

Come with me if you want to stay in the race!

Based on CNN’s delegate estimate after Super Tuesday, Trump needs to win about 52% of all the remaining delegates to clinch the nomination.


Calley said he talked to his boss – Gov. Rick Snyder – about the endorsement, and, “he said whichever direction I wanted to go, that was fine with him”.

Carolyn Kaster