
Former US first lady Nancy Reagan dies at 94

“Governor Jerry Brown said Sunday “Nancy Reagan lived a remarkable life and will be remembered for her strength and grace”. “She really insisted on doing things the right way”. But we had a head start, because we were fortunate to benefit from her proud example, and her warm and generous advice.


“I think what she did could offer valuable lessons to all the future first ladies”, Sun said.

A former actress, Nancy Reagan was Mr Reagan’s closest adviser and fierce protector on his journey from actor to Governor of California and them to President of the United States.

(From left) US President Ronald Reagan and first lady Nancy Reagan escort Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband to the British Embassy in Washington for a reception in 1985. Edith, who remained in Phoenix after her husband’s death, died in 1987.

Politicians including candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump joined in the tributes sending their condolences to Reagan’s family.

“I had sat at his table at lunch in the White House; had a pretty personal conversation with him at the time”, said Hutchison. “You can not grow up in my generation and not have ‘Just Say No”: Nancy Reagan.

Born July 6th, 1921 – Nancy Davis later appeared in 11 movie – but quit show business after marrying Ronald Reagan.

She rushed to his side after he was shot in 1981 by a would-be assassin, and later endured his almost decade-long battle Alzheimer’s disease.

“Nancy Reagan was known to the nation as one of the most graceful, elegant, loyal, and honorable First Ladies in U.S history”.

She became an advocate for dementia patients, raising millions of dollars for Alzheimer’s research and advocating the study of stem-cells.

Prior to her funeral, there will be an opportunity for members of the public to pay their respects at the Library, the spokesperson said.

“I remember from high school, during the Reagan years, her war on drugs”, Hegge recalled.


As first lady, Nancy Reagan spearheaded the “Just Say No to Drugs” campaign against substance abuse, carving a space for herself in the national movement to combat recreational drugs.

Nancy Reagan visiting the grave site of her husband former United States President Ronald Wilson Reagan at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library on the 10th anniversary of his passing in Simi Valley California in 2014