
Former US first lady Nancy Reagan passes away

“I got invited down to a magnificent luncheon and got to spend a lot of time with Nancy Reagan as well as the president”, he said. Influential Republicans are urging Christie to run for president and are prepared to raise money.


Ronald Reagan died in 2004 after a long bout with Alzheimer’s, an event that prompted an outpouring of emotion from conservative America.

Former First Lady of the United States Nancy Reagan has died in her Bel-Air, California home of congestive heart failure, aged 94. She had a similar prideful look when she stepped off a military helicopter on the aircraft deck of the new USS Ronald Reagan, which has a mini-museum honoring the president.

Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio said, “Today our nation mourns the loss of Nancy Reagan, a true example of integrity and grace”.

“I had sat at his table at lunch in the White House; had a pretty personal conversation with him at the time”, said Hutchison. In 1966, he became governor of California and her life as the wife of a politician began in earnest.

“I remember from high school, during the Reagan years, her war on drugs”, Hegge recalled.

‘On the other hand, he would never hesitate to overrule her counsel, although he seldom did so because she was usually right’. She is once again with the man she loved. With a directness unusual either in Hollywood or Washington, Nancy Reagan favored anyone who helped her husband or advanced his career and opposed anyone who was in his way.

But she was hard to please and ‘could ask questions that there were no answers to, ‘ Kuhn said in an interview made as part of a University of Virginia oral history project on the Reagan years. Sometimes, she added, “even I feel that barrier”.

As first lady from 1981 to 1989, Mrs Reagan had a knack for inviting controversy – from her spending habits to her request that the White House abide by an astrologer when planning the president’s schedule. “She was dedicated to her country and dedicated to her husband”. In his book, Cannon noted that the president ignored her advice on military spending and resisted her and many others before agreeing to fire Baker’s unpopular successor as chief of staff, Donald Regan.


“He was such a friendly guy – people typically take advantage of that sort of thing”, he said. The Nancy Reagan Aftershool Program, a drug prevention and life-skills program for youth, was developed shortly after.

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    Stephen Voss  NPR 

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