
Turkey, Iran seek to triple bilateral trade despite differences over Syria

During a joint news conference with Jahangiri, the Turkish premier said Tehran and Ankara must develop a “common perspective” in order to help end the crises plaguing the region.


The trade target comes after tensions rose between Turkey and Iran over the war in Syria after Ankara shot down a Russian fighter plane past year.

The president opined that today, many regional nations have pinned hope on mutual and multilateral cooperation so that Muslim countries will add up their capacity and potential to solve current problems.

Turkish officials will also push for the implementation of an International Chamber of Commerce arbitration court ruling last month that Iran should discount the price of natural gas it exports to Turkey by 10-15 percent, backdated to 2011.

The two held “useful” talks on bilateral and regional issues Saturday morning and stressed that the stability and security in the region are indispensable for the interests of both states, Jahangiri said.

“Iran and Turkey’s cooperation would be constructive in bringing lasting peace to the region”, he was quoted as saying by state news agency IRNA in a meeting Davutoglu.

“We believe staunching the bloodshed will establish an important basis for political negotiations”. We are most happy that the worldwide sanctions against Iran came to an end.

Davutoglu made the comments on March 5 during a visit to Tehran, the first in two years by a top Turkish leader. “If Turkey’s experience and Iran’s beauty are joined, the two countries will become the largest power in the tourism sector”, he said.

“The main obstacle that prevented us from reaching our goal were the sanctions”.


Davutoglu said his country is eager to boost trade relations with Iran now that the West has eased sanctions over Tehran’s controversial nuclear program.

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu has said during his visit to Iran that it was “extremely important for Turkey and Iran to develop some common perspectives in order to end our region's fight among brothers to stop the ethnic and sectarian