
Fey plays reporter in ‘Whiskey Tango Foxtrot’

In addition to Fey, the cast includes Margot Robbie (Suicide Squad), Martin Freeman (Sherlock), Alfred Molina (Gravity Falls), and Billy Bob Thornton (Fargo).


“The events and moments to me were so fascinating, strange, amusing and cinematic”, says Fey of the book. Everybody sort of laughed about it, and I didn’t really think it would happen, because I’m not that sort of person.

It was Carlock who streamlined Barker’s narrative, eliminated the Pakistan section and added some sub-plots to enhance the story. Although it’s set in a war zone, WTF isn’t a political movie, and it refrains from trying to make any big statements about American foreign policy. Her father served in the Korean War and died in October.

Without question, Tina Fey is an A-list comedy actress, but I’m not sure how many people realize how good she is at more serious fare.

Catch “Whiskey Tango Foxtrot” in cinemas starting today.

The sold-out crowd of Fey fans cheered, while Fey joked that the musical was still “years away”. It’s about relationships. It’s not political.

The actress announced the Donald H. Fey Memorial Scholarship on Wednesday night’s “The Tonight Show”.

“Yeah, it’s a different tone of movie than the last time we probably talked, with ‘Sisters, ‘ maybe”. But she has a secret to managing the double-duty stress.

“John and Glenn, the directors, would go, and they had sessions for all the parts in the film”, Fey said.

That’s the strength of a film that, at its best, captures the dizzyingly contradictory feelings of attraction and horror toward the life-and-death stakes of war, and of feeling both at home and at sea in a cacophonous, confounding world.

Kim Baker (the “r” has been dropped to maximize creative license) arrives in Afghanistan in 2003, having hit the wall professionally as a network news writer and seeking adventure and change.

“That had a lot to do with (producer) Ian Bryce who had connections in the military high up and down low”, says Ficarro. We get a Nilsson ballad during a war scene, and Cypress Hill during a dance scene. Comedy and tragedy ensues, as is more or less expected here.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is amusing, it’s scattered, and it’s eminently forgettable. For example, the first thing she says to Kim Baker (Fey) is about her security guard, and whether or not she can f*** him. Why aren’t her movies better?


“I try to make myself feel warm about it in the fact that, y’know, Afghans are caucasians, it’s caucasians playing caucasians”.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot is based on real events