
Bill Clinton campaigns for his wife in Mississippi

The Hillary Clinton campaign announced on Saturday afternoon that the Democratic presidential candidate will campaign in Tampa on Thursday, though no other details were forthcoming.


Clinton also visited Jackson State University before leaving town.

“Hillary believes it is a massive security mistake of colossal proportions to demonize every Muslim in America”, Bill Clinton said.

While the Hillary Clinton campaign argues it was technically permissible for him to go inside and say hello, there are eyewitness accounts of him urging people to “pull the lever for Hillary”, and thanking Hillary supporters through a bullhorn in one instance. His wife is going to be punished by people who would have potentially voted for her, however. She like many, now waits to see what the voters decide.

“Let us not forget he saved the auto industry”, Clinton said. “It’s time we stop blaming, and start embracing our diversity”.

This isn’t the first mistake Clinton has made while speaking on behalf of his wife. And reducing the burdens of student debt will help more young people join the economy sooner, Clinton said. “If you want to grow together and you want us to live together, we have got to govern together”. He acknowledged the scale of Sanders’ ideas, but said the country can’t wait on a Democratic Congress to pass them – it needs someone who will begin to fight immediately.


Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton may have legions of devoted admirers – as well as fierce detractors – but there can’t be many who can ignore her. Her fate will soon be decided by Democratic voters and, if successful, then the United States electorate, but till then the debate has spilled over into the literary world with a spate of works dissecting her antecedents, ability and performance.

Bill Clinton campaigning