
Sanders’ Colorado win underscores party divide

The scrambling came as the billionaire candidate racked up commanding victories in seven of eleven Super Tuesday primary contests, and the path to victory for his rivals narrowed. It’s over, kids. If it’s any consolation, he never had a chance, and he never really wanted one. Gaps like her 56 percentage points to his 35 in Virginia, 59-33 in Tennessee and 66-29 in Georgia are daunting to say the least.


Most of Colorado’s Democratic Party establishment endorsed Clinton, and most expect her to eventually win the nomination. The health insurance guys are getting nervous, but they don’t dare complain about it in public.

“I don’t think there’s going to be a lot of change” if Clinton wins, said Cronk, 21.

Clinton is looking for ways to bridge her party’s divide and bring Sanders’ supporters into her fold ahead of a general election in which she’ll need young voters and liberals to turn out in force. “She changes her opinions based on what’s politically expedient”.

But as the contest has expanded past the largely white electorates of Iowa and New Hampshire, Sanders has struggled to capture support from minority voters.

Clinton is surely now thinking about picking a running mate. In Arkansas, she was a lawyer at a top firm while Bill Clinton was governor. Axelrod said Sanders was only in the race to “drive issues”, promising “he has done that, and he will continue to do that”. In Texas, where a third of voters were Hispanic, 7 in 10 of them voted for Clinton.

Brow moved to Idaho Falls with her husband in 2003.

“If it shows you any power at all, it’s being exercised not by the political parties, not by the candidates but by ESPN”, Loomis said.

Chairman Ken Martin of the Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party called it “a very decisive victory here in Minnesota this evening”.

The bit about flocking to his rallies but not casting votes would make a fitting epitaph for the Sanders insurgency.

Burdett Loomis, a professor of political science at KU, said the lack of flexibility is more an unfortunate coincidence than any conspiracy by Democratic decision-makers to favor Hillary Clinton. Democrat voters are great believers in wealth and privilege for super people with the Right Ideas.

Vermont is also a state controlled by Democrats, which is key as it ensures Sanders’ Senate seat wouldn’t be filled by a Republican (as it would with Elizabeth Warren).

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) secured wins in Texas and Oklahoma and is projected to have 161 delegates as of 11:30 p.m. on Tuesday, according to The New York Times. To qualify for ballot access a candidate must first win the majority of eight states worth of delegates which will not be easy this year.

There are 595 delegates at stake for the Republicans on Super Tuesday. John Kasich ended up nearly even with Trump in Vermont, and he hasn’t scored any victories, but he’s not leaving the race at least until his home state of OH votes on March 15.

The 2016 Democratic primary is far from over, but Hillary Clinton appears to be maintaining a substantial lead over Bernie Sanders.

The Times conjured an air of “resignation”, as Sanders voters wrap up an enjoyable “flirtation” with his “dreamy revolution” and restore the “air of inevitability” to Clinton.

For the Democrats, Colorado has 66 delegates, plus 12 superdelegates, up for grabs Tuesday night.

Sanders stopped in Minnesota three straight days leading up to Super Tuesday and Clinton, a former secretary of state, campaigned hours before the state precinct caucuses began. Colorado Public Radio reports that Sanders spent more than $1.6 million on television ads here to Clinton’s $748,197, as of last week, focused mostly in the Denver metro area.


Later, before 10,000 supporters at Michigan State University, Sanders signaled he would make trade a big difference in the state’s March 8 primary, pointing to Clinton’s support of “disastrous trade policies” such as the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Reserved parking places await voters at the Hays County Government Center in San Marcos on Feb 25 2016