
Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Maine Caucuses

At a Democratic presidential primary debate in Michigan, Mr. Sanders shot back against presidential primary rival Hillary Clinton, who criticized the Vermont senator for voting against the Export-Import Bank previous year.


Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders raised this sensitive question Sunday as they highlighted the health disaster blamed on penny-pinching political decisions in this city that once relied heavily on the auto industry. Clinton has much more nuance and caveats with her answers. When Sanders uttered the line: “my one issue, rebuilding middle class”, Hill notes that his lips pressed hard together, a sign of anger, that he says was reinforced by a “glint of anger with lower eyelids tight”. I found Clinton to be better on more specific policy proposals, but Sanders’ big-picture plan to rein in tax breaks and overseas tax havens to raise revenue to fund major national projects is consistently and powerfully presented.

“If we’re going to talk about the 1990s, let’s talk about 23 million new jobs – incomes went up for everybody, median African-American income went up 33 percent at the end of the ’90s, and we lifted more people out of poverty than at any other time in recent history”, she said. And no one can climb inside Sanders’ mind and say with utter clarity what was swirling inside it. But his victory won’t have much impact on Clinton’s substantial edge overall, thanks to her support among superdelegates – members of Congress, governors and party officials who can support the candidate of their choice.

Clinton said she has gotten more votes than Trump in the primaries, and predicted that his “bigotry, his bullying, his bluster are not going to wear well on the American people”.

Hillary Clinton has a knack for turning triumph into tedium. Kelly Young, director of forensics (speech and debate) at Wayne State University and Aaron Kall, director of debate at the University of MI, offered their commentary on the candidates.

A ProPublica transcript showed that Clinton did scold Wall Street for its “significant role” in inflaming the financial crisis and urged financial leaders to take voluntary steps to stem the chaos. Clinton spoke of exchanges between her suburban church and the youth of inner-city churches in Chicago.

In Sunday night’s debate, Clinton declared that Sanders “was against the auto bailout. But compare the substance of this debate with what you saw on the Republican stage last week”.

The win makes for Sanders’ third of the weekend.

“I happen to believe that it is wrong for the government to be telling a woman what to do with her own body”, Sanders said.

Something else stood out Sunday night as well: the way Sanders and Clinton both felt fully empowered to engage on race and issues affecting black America nearly the entire night.

Clinton then sounded some tougher notes, saying that she would “have a full investigation to determine who knew what when” in the Environmental Protection Agency, and that “people should be fired”.

As Obama’s secretary of state, Clinton was far more enthusiastic about the Pacific trade deal taking shape than she became once she was running for president and trying to appeal to the liberal wing of her party.

SANDERS: “When you’re white. you don’t know what it’s like to be poor”. She also said she had some problems with the ’94 crime bill.


But the second is the one that may really be worth our collective time. “I am very proud of being Jewish, and that is an essential part of who I am as a human being”, he said, mentioning the impact the Holocaust had on his father’s family. Based on the arguments we will present, we try to predict the judges who will vote for us, the ones who will vote against us, and who’s on the fence.

Clinton Sanders 3 6 debate