
US general: Some recruiting station soldiers should be armed

The problem is, why are regular guys with guns having to protect our soldiers, Marines and sailors, when it is the military’s job to protect us?


Captain Fancey said, “Our main concern remains being out in the public, being accessible, and making these centers warm, welcoming places where people can come to discuss their future”.

“We’re just here on our own volition”.

Gov. Bill Haslam has called for a review of security policies and procedures at National Guard armories and other military installations in Tennessee after the shooting. He was asked to leave Tuesday by the property management firm. He put his firearms in his vehicle after Kitsap County Sheriff’s deputies told him he was scaring people. Some passersby brought them pizza, soda and energy drinks; others stopped to offer a handshake or a pat on the back.

“We are filling the security gap”, said Chris McIntire, spokesman for III Percent.

Jensen said he feels no imminent threat today, but the said there’s always somebody out there willing to do harm tomorrow.

John and Kevin plan to be outside a local recruiting center from 9 5 p.m., when the offices are open and say they will continue until Congress passes legislation that allows military personnel to be armed.

Kevin told Eyewitness News anchor Liz Foster, “I thought it was time to do something to make sure these guys aren’t target practice for ISIS members or what they call lone wolf radicals”.

For the third straight day, a group, known as the 3% United Patriots of Colorado have been standing, armed, in the front of the Springs recruiting office on Academy near Vickers.

Tom Conning, advertising and public affairs chief for the Seattle Army recruiting battalion, wouldn’t say whether the armed duo was welcome outside the Spanaway office.

Several people stopped by the recruiting center to thank the volunteers, and Woodard said they have been in contact with Murfreesboro Police.

“We’re not going to let these groups hang out here and be live bait”, he said.

“I think under certain conditions both on military bases and in outstations, recruiting stations that we should seriously consider it, and in some cases, I think it’s appropriate”, Milley stated.


Larry Stoneking, a Franklin Township resident who served in the Marines in Vietnam, said he decided Sunday to do something in the aftermath of the July 16 shootings of five Marine and Navy personnel at a reserve center in Chattanooga, Tenn., since the government is not allowing local recruiters to arm themselves for protection. He said legal issues surrounding the use of the military for domestic law enforcement would first have to be resolved. “They’re always brothers in arms”.

Sen. Jerry Moran will introduce bill to end 'gun-free zones' at military