
The “jackass” Trump v. the “idiot” Lindsey Graham

The problem for Republicans, however, is these candidates keep being asked about Trump, who has a Kardashian-like need for publicity.


While McCain may seem to some like an unusual target, the Arizona senator and former Republican presidential nominee is deeply unpopular among many conservatives.

In a speech to hundreds of supporters in Bluffton, South Carolina, on Tuesday, Trump kept on McCain, accusing him of being soft on illegal immigration.

He told NBC News that the cell phone debacle was “not the most pleasant thing that ever happened to me but by no means the worst thing”.

Rather contends that Trump – who is now leading all other GOP candidates by large margins – could endure the arduous primary process longer that pundits are predicting. “We have to separate him from the people that have legitimate concerns about the country”. Graham was among those who found it odious, even as critics dug out Trump’s own record showing he had used five deferments and a foot injury to dodge the Vietnam draft.

“I think Donald Trump is a political vehicle wreck”.

“If I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world”.

Though he initially poked fun at Trump, Graham has since warned that the real-estate mogul could be a “wrecking-ball” for the future of the Republican Party because of his widely-criticized comments about Mexican immigrants.

First he joked on Twitter that he needed a new phone thanks to the flood of calls, asking his Twitter followers on Tuesday afternoon what kind he should get.

Graham said on Tuesday that his phone rang nonstop after Trump gave out his number.

Trump read the South Carolina senator’s phone number onstage at a campaign rally on Tuesday in an apparent response to Graham calling Trump a “jackass” during in an interview with CNN.

A statement by his campaign said, “For instance, they have boxes once a certain number is reached that simply state $50 million or more“. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio finally said the country needs a president who “restores dignity and class to the White House”, noting pointedly that Trump can’t provide those qualities. McCain spent 20 years in the Navy, a quarter of it in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp after his jet was shot down over Hanoi during a bombing mission October 26, 1967. The Kentucky senator predicted the GOP campaign will “get beyond the novelty of a reality TV star”.


Trump shows no signs of pulling back.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump speaks at his South Carolina campaign kickoff rally in Bluffton South Carolina