
Bryan Singer Confirms X-Men and Fantastic Four Crossover

Oh sure Bryan Singer says Sir Patrick Stewart just stopped by the set to reminisce about his previous X-Men movies and see what’s shaking – and maybe even partake in the “The Big Lebowski” live-reading – but Singer knew what he was doing.


In other words, while the source comics’ Marvel universe see the Fantastic Four and X-Men rub shoulders with Spidey and the Hulk et al, in the Marvel Cinematic Universe the two teams don’t exist at all – so it makes sense for them to try and work on their own crossover, as Singer is hinting.

“There are those ideas in play”, Singer said.

That would be a natural mashup, because they’re both ensemble films and there is a mechanism by which to do it. I don’t want to give it away. Whether or not it actually happens though will depend a lot on how audiences react to the new reboot though. When asked about the possible storyline, Singer said, “It deals with time”. “That’s all I’m going to say”.

While a crossover right out of the gate (a la Batman V. Superman) is out of the question, there is the chance that we’ll see the new Fantastic gang team-up with the X-Men.

It is possible that the X-Men would time travel to the present and would meet the Fantastic Four, says Slash Film.

And what does that mean? These are all very human people that end up having to become I guess what is known as the Fantastic Four.

Since the Fantastic Four are set in contemporary times, the younger X-Men would probably have to go to the future instead of the older ones going to the past.

Singer made the disclosure in an interview with Yahoo Movies about the home entertainment release of “X-Men: Days Of Future Past – The Rogue Cut”, which is Singer’s cut of the film and includes 17 more minutes than the theatrical release.


The new reboot comes out on August 7 and the franchises are tied not only through Marvel but also producer/writer Simon Kinberg.

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