
Labour could split if Jeremy Corbyn wins leadership, says donor

According to a YouGov poll of Labour Party members, published earlier this week, Corbyn is now the frontrunner in the leadership race with 43% first preference to Burnham’s 26%.


“Not only are they harmful, they are disrespectful to party members who want the widest possible debate in this contest”.

Liz Kendall was second with just 9.53%, followed by Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham trailing on 6.6%.

Ms Kendall, seen as the favourite of the Blairites, has already had to fend off calls to drop out to give either Mr Burnham or Ms Cooper a clear run against Mr Corbyn after a shock opinion poll suggested he was on course to win. Corbyn, who has been an MP for 32 years, is also topping the charts when it comes to constituency Labour party nominations.

YVETTE Cooper has given Labour leadership rival Jeremy Corbyn a public dressing down over his casual use of the word “friends” to describe representatives from Hamas and Hezbollah.

Former Labour Mayor of London Ken Livingstone has endorsed Jeremy Corbyn, the left-wing candidate for the party leadership, as support for the unlikely candidate continues to swell.

Almost three quarters of readers back Jeremy Corbyn for leader, it has emerged.

Mr Mills, who founded the JML home shopping firm, told the Guardian: ‘If Corbyn won, I suspect what would happen is that there would be some sort of split.

When people like these two small-time “Tories” start bleating that the left has no right to have a leader then you know they are panicking.

In other Labour race news, Liz Kendall has accused the Labour peer Lord Falconer as “sexist” after he was quoted in The Times.

He predicted that some donors would stop funding Labour, although he acknowledged there could be more support from the trade unions.

Blair was brought up in a true blue household and Milburn left Labour party office to earn more money working for private health care firms.

Mr Mills said while Mr Corbyn could attract further donations from the unions it would put off wealthy business supporters.

The shadow care minister insisted she will fight to the very end and warned that a victory by the veteran backbencher would be a “disaster” for the party.


A former South Shields MP and ex Sunderland AFC vice-chairman and non-executive director, has been speaking about the future of the Labour party.

Maybe Labour should change their election rules again so that anyone who disagrees with Tony Blair is only allowed to stand if they promise to get fewer than eight votes