
First Confirmed Case Of Zika Virus In Kentucky

Tarrant County Public Health (TCPH) confirmed two more imported cases of the Zika virus in the county on Wednesday.


Dr. Tom Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said: “We are learning more about Zika every day”. No other details were provided.

“It’s important to remember that four out of five persons who have the Zika virus experience no symptoms at all, and of those who do experience symptoms they are usually mild and recover fully”, said Gupta. Symptoms can include rash, red eyes, fever and joint pain. March 8: World Health Organization advises pregnant women to avoid areas with Zika outbreak and said sexual transmission of the virus is “relatively common”.

Spectrum also has travel sized containers available to make sure spring breakers have what they need to stay safe, especially if they’re traveling to warm places like Latin America. During the meeting, WHO Director-General Margaret Chan spoke about how people can – and should – protect themselves from Zika (as prevention is key).

Of these confirmed cases, 88 have been confirmed as having the Zika virus, but authorities believe it is the cause of the most cases of microcephaly.

The state DHHR is recommending people traveling to Central, South America and areas in Africa reconsider postponing their trip at this time or to take health precautions if the trip is absolutely necessary. “The link to Guillain-Barre syndrome is likely to be proven in the near future, and the documentation that sexual transmission is possible is now proven”. CDC and KDHE have guidance to help doctors decide what tests are needed for pregnant women who may have been exposed to Zika virus.

USA health officials have come up with an exception to their travel warnings for the Zika virus: altitude. If a pregnant woman is concerned that her male partner may have or had Zika virus infection, she should talk to her health care provider.

A female Aedes aegypti mosquito, a carrier of the Zika virus, feeds on human blood. Glisson said there have been regular webinars and conference calls between the CDC and the cabinet on its action plan concerning Zika virus.

Currently, Gupta said no local transmissions of the virus have been reported in the United States.


Laboratory studies indicated that Zika can infect a type of neural stem cell that gives rise to the cerebral cortex of the brain, researchers reported in the journal Cell Stem Cell.
