
Former Putin aide died of blunt force trauma in DC

Mikhail Lesin, a former Russian press minister and founder of the TV channel Russia Today, was found unconscious in a room in the Doyne Dupont Circle Hotel in the American capital on November 5 past year.


In 2013, he became the head of Gazprom Media, one of Russia’s largest media holdings.

And then, in November, he was found in a hotel in Washington, the victim – the Russian state media he had helped build said – of a heart attack.

Meanwhile, police spokesman Dustin Sternbeck said the case remained under investigation, the Washington Post reported.

Police haven’t said whether they suspect a crime was committed, though it’s not clear what else would explain the blunt force injuries to the Russian’s head, neck, torso, arms, and legs.

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said the Russian Embassy in Washington has made multiple requests for information about the investigation into the death, but has received no substantive material.

As Putin’s media advisor and Russian press minister he earned the nickname The Bulldozer for the manner by which all Kremlin critics oppressed in his course, our correspondent says. “We’re awaiting explanations and official information from Washington concerning the progress of the investigation”.

Police who first investigated the hotel room where Lesin’s body was found did not find any damage or evidence indicating foul play, a law enforcement source told Reuters. He is also known for founding government-funded news outlet Russia Today and serving as a top executive in the Russian conglomerate Gazprom Media.

Lesin was a millionaire and longtime adviser to Putin, serving as head of media affairs.

In a world where Kremlin turncoats often meet sticky ends, the news of Mr Lesin’s fate has fed conspiracy theories among Mr Putin’s critics as to how he died and who, if anybody, might have wanted him dead. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi, asked the FBI to investigate whether Lesin had violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in connection with his alleged ownership of US$ 28 million in California real estate. Kirby said he did not know why Lesin was in the country when he died.

After Lesin’s departure, President Putin spoke of his “tremendous contribution” to Russian media.


“It was unclear what Lesin was doing in Washington”.

Medical examiner: Former Putin aide Lesin died of blunt force trauma