
Watch Larry David Return as Bernie Sanders to ‘SNL’

As the Democratic primary drags out, there’s one thing Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders supporters can both take enjoyment in: More Larry David on Saturday Night Live.


Seizing on the notion that Sanders devotees have become increasingly vocal during the election cycle, he added, “I mean, I love my supporters, but they’re too much, right?”

Bernie Sanders formally apologizes for his supporters flooding your Facebook feed.

“On last week’s “Saturday Night Live”, the show made headlines with a hilarious, spot-on campaign ad spoof that showed ” Racists for Trump”.


In the skit, the cast makes fun of Sander’s supporters as a “very diverse group of white people” who have an age range of 18 to 19 year olds. Kate McKinnon’a Hillary morphs into Bernie, a comment on her ability to be “whoever you want me to be” to get elected. Because I’m like them: “I got a lot of big plans and absolutely no idea how to achieve them”. “Not this one”, Trump reminded his supporters. That’s it. The young people love me, Tapper, because I’m like them. Having dropped out of the race and now endorsed Trump, we may not see Carson again, so this was a very fitting send-off for one of the surprisingly nuttiest (in a non-racist, non-Trump way) figures to emerge from this campaign. “And for once I don’t mean that as an insult to the mentally challenged”, Trump, played by Darrell Hammond, said while introducing Carson at a campaign event. Pharoah’s Carson then assured the public that Trump has “a lot of black friends”, listing former Apprentice contestant Omarosa Manigault, Dennis Rodman, and Mike Tyson, after which Hammond’s Trump admitted that was the entire list.

Larry David as Bernie Sanders on Saturday Night Live- SNL screenshot