
‘There are two different Donald Trumps’: Ben Carson

Despite all of this, there are many smart people who think Trump will do wonderfully in an election.


Florida voters are increasingly voicing a similar take on Republican front-runner Donald Trump: “Dice lo que piensa” – Spanish for “he speaks his mind”. While we all know the arrogant, confident, loud personality in front of the camera, Carson promises that Trump is much different behind the scenes.

Trump “is a successful businessman who has built a recognizable global brand that no one can question”, Carson said in a statement posted to his Facebook page.

“I probably do agree”. I don’t know what they see. I am somebody that is a thinker.

“I’m interested in saving America”, he answered.

“I think certainly if the protestors continue with their…tactics, there is a real possibility of escalation”, Carson said on NBC’s “Today” show.

Even if by some miracle Trump does not earn the requisite 1,237 delegates needed to secure the GOP nomination-not a very likely scenario now that he’s won big in MI and MS and the polls look positive (for him, if not for the rest of humanity) in the next round of primaries-the fantasy of a brokered or contested convention exists only in the minds of terrified GOP elites and journalists tenting their fingers like C. Montgomery Burns on The Simpsons. That was political stuff. Lying and obfuscation is always good, as Krugman points out, but even more effective, as we now see, are, “racial dog whistles and suggestions that Democrats are un-American if not active traitors”. “It’s about America”, Carson said.

Carson said on Friday that he opposed to efforts within the Republican Party to derail Trump’s candidacy.

Thank you very much. We have to start working together.

“Everybody wanted his endorsement. Everybody wanted his endorsement, and everybody loves him, and truly, truly admires what he’s done”.

Carson’s decision may surprise some of his backers since Trump made blistering critiques over the past year of stories from Carson’s past.

“It’s politics. Ben understands that. Because he fought back with silence and strength”. “He has great confidence in himself and I was very, very impressed”, said Trump.

Trump said Carson will a “big, big part” in the campaign, but gave no specifics on possible roles.

The retired neurosurgeon recently ended his campaign, he mentioned that he and Trump have left their previous bitter encounters in the past after trading nasty words during the primary.

It says: “Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago and after meeting with law enforcement has determined that for the safety of all of the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight’s rally will be postponed to another date”.

Conservative Solutions PAC, a group promoting Rubio, planned to spend more than $4 million attacking Trump.

When asked why he chose not to endorse Sen.

However civilized Thursday’s debate, Trump’s rallies are known for being rambunctious affairs, and that seeped over into violence on Wednesday night in North Carolina when a 78-year-old white man in a cowboy hat punched a black protester in the face.

DONALD TRUMP: I have been hearing from virtually everybody in the Republican Party, and they are congratulating me.

But how does a party in thrall to a basically unpopular ideology – or at any rate an ideology voters would dislike if they knew more about it – win elections? I will cast my ballot for him if that is what the occasion brings. “That’s a duty one has as a Christian”, he said.

But polling averages from RealClearPolitics give Trump a double-digit lead over Rubio in his home state of Florida.

“I prayed about it a lot”, he replied, “and received lots of indications”.

He says he’s “not open” to any such talks about joining forces.

DONALD TRUMP: Ben, thank you. You are not the person I thought you were.


“It’s anger in the country”, he said. Saul Alinsky wrote the book Rules for Radicals. Whether we like it or not, the would-be narcissist in chief is attracting new voters to those contests, and those overall voting numbers haven’t been matched by the Blue team.

Former Republican candidate Ben Carson endorses Trump