
Stephen Hawking to Hold Week-Long Reddit AMA

World renowned astrophysicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking will be hosting the longest AMA (Ask Me Anything) session to date on Reddit, from Monday, July 27th, 8 AM all the way until Tuesday, August 4th.


Excitingly, Hawking is expected to wax lyrical on artificial intelligence and his concerns about development in the sector. Instead of answering questions for an hour though, which is usually how AMAs occur, Hawking will be answering anything you have to ask for just over a week.

Due in the indisputable fact that the solution to operation could well be quite very long, because Hawking needs a lot of an opportunity to create the solutions together with his helfpul laptop…

If you have some questions on AI that can only be answered by one of the top minds in theoretical physics, you’re in luck. So think about it, what would you ask one of the smartest people in the whole wide world? The format should allow Hawking to get to a number of questions, rather than having the session limited by his slowed communication.

Hawking’s AMA is part of the #maketechhuman initiative – spearheaded by Nokia and Wired magazine – that aims to address themes and topics “at the intersection of humanity and technology”.


Also, check out the side-bar on Reddit’s r/science page to see a list of other upcoming AMAs you might be interested in joining.

World renowned astrophysicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking