
Trump likely to win Florida, but Rubio surging

OH is a rich prize: It’s a winner-take-all contest – meaning all 66 delegates go to the first-place victor, unlike most states that divide a portion of delegates amongst the candidates based on how many votes they received.


All polls show Trump has a strong lead in other Tuesday states: Florida, Illinois and North Carolina.

Many are calling it do-or-die time for John Kasich.

Aside from polling, however, Kasich should be considered the favorite as the sitting Governor of the state.

“Florida Republicans seem to be saying that Rubio has done a decent job in his current position, but not good enough to earn a promotion”, Murray said. “OH would be his only win, and that would essentially leave the Republican contest down to a battle between Donald Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, with Trump having a big advantage”.

On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton has a significant lead over rival Bernie Sanders in Florida, while the 74-year-old self-professed socialist democrat is closing in on her six-point lead in Ohio.

Cruz, who is running second to Trump in polls and nominating contests, may look like the best-placed alternative in numbers, but he is thoroughly despised by party leaders and colleagues.

1940 CONVENTION Kasich’s aides are looking to history as a guide, particularly Wendell Willkie’s path to 1940 Republican nomination. It could also be some other Republican, even someone who didn’t run.

If 2/3 of the delegates bound to a candidate vote to release themselves.

Democrats who choose to vote in the Republican primary but don’t support the party’s policies “are committing election falsification by stating that they do in fact support those principles”, says law professor Dan Tokaji, an Ohio State University election law expert. He would need only a little more than half of the remaining delegates.

Candidates like Sanders and Trump have sharply criticized big-money campaign donations and candidates associated with the status quo and party establishments have fared poorly.

“I don’t accept responsibility”, Trump said.

In other cases, Democrats are crossing over to do just the opposite: voting for Trump, on the thinking he’d be the weakest candidate to face the eventual Democratic nominee. “I took on Washington and I won. I will not”, he said.

Both Kasich, the governor of OH, and Rubio, the senator from Florida, have suggested their campaigns could come to an end without victories back home.

Now he’s in danger of losing his home state – he’s nearly 20 points behind Trump in the polls, as the bombastic billionaire hopes to establish a stranglehold on the Republican nomination. “But if I don’t win OH, then, you know, ballgame over”.

Ted Cruz, failing even to make the threshold for gathering delegates in some states due in part to Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s continued influence on the race.

Rubio’s campaign raised eyebrows recently by urging Ohioans to cast ballots for Kasich as the best strategy to stop the Trump juggernaut.

Until now, the relationship between Kasich and party elites has been prickly. Ethan Reynolds, a Rubio delegate, says it will be tough for him to stay in the race.

That’s changing. After the Republican presidential debate in Florida last week, Kasich flew on Friday morning to Lima, Ohio, for an event with voters.

Trump, who made appearances in North Carolina, Florida and OH before Tuesday’s primaries, said the establishment Republicans who have labored to stop his outsider candidacy needed to recognize his strength and rally to his cause.


“The people that are supporters of Donald Trump want to see America be great again that’s what it is, that’s what it is, it’s simple” Trump said on Monday.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is not a favourite on Wall Street