
Donald Trump to visit border, a flashpoint in GOP race

Speaking to reporters Thursday afternoon during a trip to Texas, Trump stressed that he want to run as a Republican. “I was their fair-haired boy”.


Trump recently claimed he received $214 million in income from NBC for his “Apprentice” and “Celebrity Apprentice” television programs over the past 14 years.

“For us to get caught up in a controversy of well, ‘What did Donald Trump mean when he said that?’ It just seems so petty to me”, Carson said.

Sullivan acknowledges that Trump is at the top of the GOP polls and is driving the debate but added, “It’s a little unfortunate, though, because, although we can laugh about it from the Democratic side, I’d rather have people talking about the issues”.

Trump was reacting to Cooper asking questions about his negative poll numbers in specific states.

Haley called for the return of a civil tone in the campaign, singling out Trump.

Blunt says Trump’s personal attack on John McCain was “unacceptable”, but he can’t argue with Trump’s assertion that the VA has not done well under McCain’s supervision. All i know is I have a very big group of support. “Our country is in big trouble, and I know how to turn it around”. Asked if he would be getting a new one, he laughed and said yes.

“I don’t think the way he has behaved over the past few weeks is either dignified or worthy of the office he seeks”, U.S. Sen.

Trump arrived in Texas on Thursday to visit the U.S.-Mexico border and discuss immigration. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island came up behind Graham, clapped a hand on his back and said, “I’ve been trying to call you, but I haven’t been able to get through!”

“I’m a Republican, I’m a conservative”, Trump said, touting his recent polling figures. “That’s a typical case of the press with misinterpretation”, Trump declared as his supporters cheered.

The trip comes after a local chapter of the National Border Patrol Council, the agency’s union, invited Trump earlier this month to tour one of the most active parts of the border with the agents who work there.

In a statement Thursday, Perry challenged Trump to “explain to the people of Laredo why he thinks they should be on the hook to secure our country’s border with Mexico, rather than the federal government” and “explain to the Hispanic-Americans he meets why he thinks they are rapists and murderers”.

The real estate mogul and White House contender, who is well ahead of his Republican rivals in most polls, is running an aggressive campaign that has condemned illegal immigration.

A border guard union which had asked Mr Trump to visit the border withdrew its invitation at the last minute, saying it did not want to endorse him.


Eric Trump runs numerous business projects owned by his father, including Trump National in Mooresville.

Republican presidential hopeful businessman Donald Trump fields questions at The Family Leadership Summit at Stephens Auditorium