
Pot Poll: 44% of Americans have used marijuana

However, the researchers who conducted the poll aren’t sure if all of these “yes” answers correspond to an actual increase in the percentage of people who have tried pot or an increase in the percentage of people who are willing to admit that they’ve done so.


A new poll shows that more Americans than ever are admitting to having tried marijuana.

Among the states that have pioneered legalization of Recreational marijuana includes Colorado, Oregon, Alaska, District of Columbia as well as the Washington DC.

Eleven percent said they now smoke pot.

The survey found that marijuana use varies significantly by age group. Those between the ages of 30 and 64 are most likely to say they have ever tried it. Similarly, those who have no religious affiliation are much more likely to say they smoke marijuana (18%) than adults who identify themselves as Catholic (6%) or Protestant (5%). This group was also the least likely to say that they now smoke pot (a mere 3 percent said they do).

Whites and nonwhites are about equally as likely to have experimented with or to now smoke marijuana. The agenda has gained huge support from Pro-marijuana groups but at the same time Massachusetts Proponents of Marijuana legalization are up in arms. And Americans with graduate degrees are less likely to say they are current users (4%) compared with those with college degrees (10%), some college completed (12%) or a high school education or less (9%).

The federal government continues to ban marijuana, classifying it as one of the “most dangerous” drugs alongside heroin and LSD.

Bay State voters approved a ballot question setting up medical marijuana in 2012, after approving a measure decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana in 2008.

More than four out of every ten Americans admit to having tried marijuana at least once, a new poll has found.

Only 11 percent of American adults admitted to now smoking weed, up 4 percentage points from 2013.


In addition to polling Americans on whether they’ve tried marijuana, Gallup asked 1,009 adults age 18 and older if they now smoke the green stuff. All reported margins of sampling error include computed design effects for weighting. Landline and cellular telephone numbers are selected using random-digit-dial methods.