
YOUNG HAN SOLO Cast List Narrows

With reports of around 2,500 Han Solo hopefuls either meeting with casting directors or sending in film of themselves, this is quickly becoming one of the biggest casting calls ever according to the THR report.


Ehrenreich was apparently discovered by Stephen Spielberg at a friend’s bat mitzvah, having seen the actor play a role in a short comedy film that was played during the reception.

Disney declined to comment on the shortlist of names. Among the names whispered to have met are Miles Teller, the Whiplash star who appears in the Divergent movies; and Ansel Elgort, the Fault in Our Stars star who also is in the Divergent movies.

It was announced last week, and confirmed by Disney chief Bob Iger, that Chewie will be a part of the Han Solo production. He possesses many of Harrison Ford’s qualities – he’s brought intelligence and confidence to many of his previous roles, key characteristics for a man who will one day be an Alliance leader. This meant that Han Solo had something of depth to add to the movie. Han Solo would be a very different role than anything the young actor has tackled to date, but that could very well be a benefit as he wouldn’t come with any existing baggage.

Last July, Kathleen Kennedy promised Entertainment Weekly that they’ll avoid a Phantom Menace Anakin Skywalker fiasco, and that Han will “probably in the high teens, low 20s…We’re not introducing you to a 10-year-old Han Solo”. Alden Ehrenreich earned major critical kudos for his scene-stealing performance in the Coen Brothers’ most recent film, Hail, Caesar!


Meanwhile, Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens is set for a United Kingdom home entertainment release on 18 April 2016; Rogue One: A Star Wars Story hits both USA and United Kingdom cinemas on 16 December 2016, Star Wars: Episode VIII on 15 December 2017, and the Han Solo film on 25 May 2018.

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