
Trump has some nerve criticizing McCain

However, McCain was an officer in the Vietnam War.


Donald Trump had the nerve to say John McCain is not a hero! “I like people who weren’t captured, OK?” Hero? I think not.

As I see it, it makes more sense to create well-defined categories from the most valiant to the least, versus attempting to call a specific few individuals war heroes, or calling all Vietnam-era military personnel war heroes.

And, most importantly, he was never in any of the armed services. To that, McCain said that he said that in jest, and that such talk was not terribly uncommon. It is even possible he could have bought his way out of serving.

Trump’s own description of how he spent those years in his masterbatory autobiography, The Art of the Deal, should leave you breathless, providing a scary insight about how he would govern if he is ever elected president. There is a world of difference in those two categories and any veteran should be able to draw the distinction easily, with no slip of the tongue or “misspeaking” or “misremembering”. Trump countered a McCain barb by saying, during an event in Iowa last weekend, that McCain was not a war hero before saying, “He’s a war hero because he was captured”.

Afterwards, O’Reilly got to the origin point for Trump’s controversial statements by asking McCain to elaborate on his labeling of Trump’s supporters as “crazies,” and whether he had any regrets about that.


Nelson is a U.S. Marine who served from 1971-73.

Letter: Trump has some nerve criticizing McCain - Reno Gazette-Journal