
Meet The Division’s first max level Dark Zone player

The post was written to announce “State Of The Game”.


With publisher Ubisoft announcing the game way back in 2013, this year’s release of “Tom Clancy’s The Division” had been eagerly anticipated. This will be the first big update since the day one patch that came out on release day.

Ubisoft were quick to congratulate the player, and promised them more things to do in their bleak, now thoroughly uninhabited version of NY.

Please note that there are two scheduled free updates that Ubisoft will release for the month of April and May.

Ubisoft has suggested that it is planning to offer access to some new areas of NY after launch and gamers have been able to discover that there are plenty of inaccessible locations in the simulated world of The Division.

“We are delivering an online experience that’s on par with the best in the industry, and that matches the quality and connectivity demanded by The Division and its players”.

Apparently he dived into the game 41 seconds after the servers were officially opened.

The paid DLC for The Division will start arriving in June, with Underground delivering new zones under New York City to explore and a powerful faction to battle, while Survival is set to add a game mode and The Last Stand is mysterious and planned for early 2017.


You’re far from done once you hit Level 30 in The Division. Keep in mind that while Destiny was released on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, The Division has only been released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC and still it has managed to break Destiny’s record for the highest sales of a new franchise.

The Division