
Bruce Springsteen writes tardy note for young rock fan

The note was signed with a flourish ‘Bruce Springsteen, ‘ and the autograph was accompanied by his personal guitar doodle.


Nine-year-old Xabi Glovsky was a little late to school on Wednesday, but that was nothing a tardy note from Bruce Springsteen couldn’t solve.

Bruce Springsteen has written an apology note for a schoolboy in case he was late to class after attending his concert.

The letter read: ‘Dear Ms Jackson, Xabi has been out very late rocking & rolling.

However, Springsteen came to the rescue, signing the youngster’s tardy note.

The father, son duo couldn’t wait to see Springsteen in concert at the LA Sports Arena on Tuesday night.

“Been singing Bruce songs while Xabi goes to sleep ever since he was born”, said Scott to CBS Los Angeles.

NME magazine reported last month that another dad blamed his daughters’ tardiness on their attending Springsteen’s Albany, N.Y. show.

After the show, during which the band reportedly played 35 songs and performed for over three hours, Xabi and his father Scott were taken backstage by security where Bruce wrote the note. “I think I can help you with that”, said Xabi.

The Boss saw the sign.

Scott also added that Springsteen “thoughtfully and artistically created this handsome note” and he “was incredibly nice, caring and gracious”.

He asked Xabi for the name and spelling of his teacher, before whipping out pen and paper for the note.

Xabi’s dad shared the story on his Facebook page.

‘I imagine that idols rarely live up to your expectations.


As for Xabi’s teacher Ms. Jackson, he says she accepted his not.

Bruce Springsteen