
Spelman Severs Ties With Bill Cosby

ATLANTA (AP) – A historically black college is discontinuing its endowed professorship with Bill Cosby after recent details emerged of his testimony in a sexual-assault lawsuit.


Two Cosby daughters attended Spelman. This week he hired Washington attorney Monique Pressley, who has begun making the media rounds, going on camera to reject accusations from dozens of women who have publicly accused Cosby of drugging and sexually assaulting them in episodes dating back to the 1960s. At the time, it was the largest individual donation ever made to an historically black college or university. The family’s money helped fund a new academic center housing state-of-the art classrooms, labs and a fine arts museum; as well as the endowed professorship. But the incidents occurred several years ago and lacked forensic proof.

Jimmie “JJ” Walker, the famous sitcom actor best known for his role on the 1970s comedy “Good Times“, has opened up about his friend and fellow comedian Bill Cosby, saying he thought everybody knew about Cosby’s philandering ways and his affairs with multiple women, TMZ reported. The foundation was established by Bill Cosby’s wife, Camille, in honor of her mother.

The newspaper reports that Spelman, a college for women of African descent, indefinitely suspended the professorship in December, but has not decided to discontinue the progamme until now.

That halfway stance changed after reporters this month obtained a deposition from 2005.


While Cosby admitted during questioning that he acquired Quaaludes with the intent to give the sedatives to young women he wanted to engage in sex, he did not admit to actually drugging any of his accusers.

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