
Indonesian military helicopter crashes, killing 12

A military helicopter crashed in Indonesia on Sunday, killing at least 13 people aboard, according to the Indonesian Armed Forces.


It was not yet known what caused the 3-year-old helicopter to crash though thunderstorms were thought to have played a part, Agus said.

The chopper is reported to have exploded then fallen into a plantation in Kasiguncu village, Poso in Sulawesi Province at 6.55 p.m. (1155GMT) during a operation to catch the country’s most wanted man, Abu Wardah Santoso.

President Joko Widodo expressed sympathy to the families of the dead, whose remains are now being identified by a Disaster Victim Identification team.

He said the helicopter was carrying personnel to reinforce a police operation against Islamist militants operating in the district of Poso. “They died in the line of duty”.

Authorities believe some ethnic minority Uighurs have entered Indonesia to join forces with local militants at the urging of Santoso, who has claimed responsibility for the killings of several police officers. “Another is still missing”, the spokesman told Xinhua by phone.

He refused to provide further details on the whereabouts of members of the East Indonesia Mujahideen.


Military Information Division spokesman, Made Sutia was quoted as saying that the ill-fated 412EP helicopter left Desa Watutau, Daerah Lore Piore in Poso at 5.20 pm.

At least 12 people are dead in a military helicopter crash in Indonesia s Central Sulawesi province