
Stop betting on Trump to lose

The interesting thing about the Republican race is that it slows down now.


This week, he predicted “riots” should he fail to be given the GOP nomination, even if he lacks the required delegate total.

Even Republicans who are no fans of Trump admit it may be possible. Trump supporters like Kozanecki say they are loyal to the end.

“Trump’s plan has been to have really no ground game, but California is a different animal”, Whalen said.

Taking a step back, though, it’s important to keep in mind what has already been decided by the voters. It said in order to win the White House again the GOP had to become more competitive with minority voters, particularly Hispanics.

Donald Trump blew away his few remaining rivals for the Republican nomination, winning all but one of the 67 counties (99 delegates in a winner-take-all state) and sticking a (pitch) fork into Marco Rubio, whose presidential ambitions were formally declared dead amidst the ashes of his home-state vanquishing.

At this point there’s no individuals bound to support Rubio because the delegates haven’t yet been chosen.

And on Friday, a top Trump aide threatened to give up his credentials as a convention delegate and leave the Republican Party in a stark warning to the GOP about the “consequences” if Trump is blocked from the nomination.

Trump is the kind of person who punishes anyone who stands in his way.

John Hancock, the chairman of the Missouri Republican party, and Clay Barker, director of the Kansas GOP, think an open convention remains a longshot at best.

It is these strands in a persona so narcissistic and megalomaniac, so out of control, that is presenting the Republican Party with its most existential crisis ever – terrifying a party leadership that believed that it not only had the richest field of credible contenders but a massive chance of recapturing the White House after “eight failed years of Barack Obama”.

“Supreme Trust” – an ad by Cruz for President that claims Trump cannot be trusted to appoint conservative justices to the Supreme Court.

“I think there’s still several scenarios that could play out”. Especially after some well-documented instances of Democrats crossing over to support an unelectable Republican?

What’s clear is the Republican leaders against Trump have no time to delay if their goal is to slow his momentum.

Caitlyn Jenner clarified comments she recently made about Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in an interview with E! posted Thursday, saying she did not endorse either candidate. Isn’t this the party the news media have been telling us has been lurching to the far right for a decade? Some establishment Republicans will decide it’s better to let Trump suffer a crushing loss and rebuild the party afterward, rather than tear it apart at the convention. If Donald Trump shows up there without enough delegates to secure the nomination, then he’s showing up as the weakest nominee they’ve seen against Gerald Ford and possibly weaker because he may well show up with fewer delegates than Gerald Ford showed up with.

Finally, two more for your weekend reading: If Trump were elected, his wealth would create vast and unprecedented conflict-of-interest problems, Don Lee and Jim Puzzanghera report.

There are signs that some leading party figures are becoming resigned to the prospect of Trump as their candidate.

He is also a politician who has personally burned many bridges with fellow party members in the Senate and the campaign.

Therefore, he argued, it is essential for conservatives anxious about preserving the party below the level of the president to offer Republicans repelled by Trump a conservative alternative who could attract them to the polls.


“What you find with Donald Trump is he’s a counter- puncher”. “It’s likely at this point that nothing will be totally settled until June at the earliest”. Furthermore, more than 18,000 Missourians voted for candidates who had already suspended their campaigns, including Ben Carson (8,201), Jeb Bush (3,349), Mike Huckabee (2,137), Rand Paul (1,771), Chris Christie (1,677), Rick Santorum (729) and Carly Fiorina (613).

Can Donald Trump avoid trap of a contested convention?