
Trump warns of riots if the GOP shafts him

If he doesn’t hit that number, Trump faces a contested convention, where a portion of the pledged delegates are free to vote for whomever they want.


Franks is a supporter of Texas Sen. “This is more likely to become an open convention than we thought before”. “They are terrified, irrational and flailing wildly”.

Several dozen people attended the meeting, including conservative activist Erick Erickson and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, but the names of most other participants were not released.

Trump urged Republicans to view the party’s nominating contest with the same sense of clarity.

A vote for Ohio Gov. John Kasich-the only Republican candidate “with a real track record”, according to Mitt Romney-would be a vote for Donald Trump, according to Mitt Romney. “We’ve had contested conventions but that was before we had a whole series of primaries and caucuses that let the people speak and supposedly chose the nominee”, Brady said.

Some Republican leaders kept straining Thursday to come up with a way to stop Donald Trump’s likely ascent to the GOP presidential nomination while others seem headed for grudging acceptance.

On Capitol Hill, South Carolina Sen. The Cruz-Kasich tandem has been an option that many have espoused to defeat Trump.

And as Republican leadership looks to stall his campaign in the coming months, it’s looking like Cleveland may in for a storm.

On the Democratic side, wins on Tuesday for former Secretary of State Clinton, 68, gave her an nearly insurmountable edge over Sanders, 74.

White voters are still key for Republicans, and that’s who Trump appeals to most.

Mrs Clinton has at least 1,599 delegates to Sanders’s 844. The statewide winner will be awarded 18, and the victor in each of the state’s eight congressional districts getting three delegates each. Cruz, also an anti-establishment candidate.

Kasich is also making an aggressive play in Utah, with four public events scheduled there over the next two days. Tom Ingram, a supporter of Jeb Bush who now supports John Kasich, said that they have received emails from former Bush and Rubio supporters asking how they could help the OH governor. And brace yourself for more Trump stadium rallies, including possibly violent protests.

“There was a time when presidents were honorable”.

In a separate writing, Erickson minced no words in saying, “I have signed no oath of loyalty to Donald Trump or the GOP”, adding that Trump’s values are “diametrically opposed” to his own.

Second, if November does turn into a Democratic rout, it’s impossible to know just how bad it could get for Republicans sharing a ballot with Trump or Cruz.

Cruz needs to win 80 percent of them, and it’s not even mathematically possible for Kasich to win enough delegates.

The Golden State is among five holding primaries on June 7, the last day of the nominating season, The Washington Post reports. “These are people that haven’t voted because they never believed in the system”, he said.


“I think you’d have riots”.

Trump Predicts Riots If He Loses Republican Presidential Nomination (Video)