
Google to remove Chrome app launcher on all operating systems

Google announced on Tuesday it’s getting rid of the Chrome app launcher on OS X, Windows, and Linux. Tough: As of July, it will be entirely scrapped on Windows, Mac and Linux.


The Chrome app launcher is an icon that can sits in a computer’s taskbar or dock and allows for quick access to Chrome apps – it was meant, in part, to help blur the lines between desktop and web apps. When they are included in a person’s workflow, Google says they are usually opened from within Chrome anyway, rendering the app launcher obsolete. Google also plans to notify users in case they do not have the chance to follow the news. Once it is removed, you’ll still have two methods to launch the apps.

With the Chrome app launcher on various desktops, Google was trying to get away from the mental separation of cloud services for local ones.

But while Pawliger asserted that users preferred to fire up an app from Chrome itself, many users who appended comments to the announcement disagreed.

The whole “platform within a platform” experience within Windows was also because of the App launcher. By July, the app launcher will be gone entirely.


Google Chrome is undoubtedly one of the most-used browsers, and one reason behind it is the slew of added-features it provides. Chrome has acquired a reputation for being memory-hungry and resource intensive, draining battery on laptops and not performing reliably on lower-specification machines.

Google is removing the rarely used app launcher in Chrome