
NY officials slam Ted Cruz for plan to patrol Muslim neighborhoods

In the wake of the bombings in Brussels on Tuesday morning, Ted Cruz outlined steps he would take as president to prevent similar attacks in the United States. “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized”.


Cruz made the comments following the terror attacks in Brussels on Tuesday.

“That was not a lone wolf”.

Cruz has been on the defensive for the 24 hours after he called for increased patrols of places that have a greater incidence of “radical Islamic terrorism”. “It was ISIS that has declared jihad, that is waging war on us”.

The New York Police Department isn’t happy with Sen.

“Mayor de Blasio came in and decided political correctness mattered more than keeping people safe”. The program was disbanded amid complaints of religious and racial profiling.

Bratton said that these changes were made “partially in response to an apparent public perception that the transit system was being plagued by a sudden epidemic of random attacks”.

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio backed his commissioner and slammed Cruz’s comments on Tuesday.

NYPD police commissioner Bill Bratton. De Blasio said that an analysis of the existing data shows that almost a quarter of stabbings and slashings occur overnight on Fridays and Saturdays, “at a point in the week when an unusual number of people are out and an unfortunate number of them are under the influence of alcohol and drugs”. In fact, the department has said that in more than six years of spying on Muslim neighborhoods, eavesdropping on conversations, and cataloging mosques, the NYPD never generated a lead or triggered a terrorism investigation, according to the Associated Press.

Cruz added that “there’s a difference between Islam and Islamism”.

Getting them before they start to take action is critical, Bratton said. “It’s just like President Obama”, Cruz said of de Blasio on “Fox and Friends”, noting he’d “apologize to no one” over his rhetoric.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, said Cruz’s remarks send “an alarming message to American-Muslims who increasingly fear for their future and to all Americans who value the Constitution and religious liberties”. “And what we’re seeing is-we’re seeing Republicans uniting behind our campaign because we’re the only campaign” to defeat Trump.


“They want to seem less racist and problematic than someone like Ted Cruz”, said Trujillo. He rattled off a list of New York Democrats he said Trump has financially supported – including Gov. Andrew Cuomo, Rep. Charles Rangel and former governor Eliot Spitzer – eliciting boos from the crowd.

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and New York Police Commissioner William Bratton arrive at Times Square for a press conference in New York