
Graham dubious of Cruz Muslim surveillance idea

How exactly a President Cruz would do that was left unclear, but presumably it could involve a heightened police presence in Muslim communities, random stops and searches of Muslim residents, and a massive surveillance and intelligence collecting apparatus to keep tabs on Americans’ religious affiliations, political views and personal associates. But despite the after effects of 9/11 still burnt into the mind of Americans, the program has been shut down due to a litany of lawsuits and accusations of unfair racial profiling. Trump said the city had had “the finest surveillance of the whole radical Islam situation that there is”.


“What is going on there and what is going on in many other locations, like Paris and others, is a disgrace, an absolute disgrace that we allow it to happen”, Trump said, according to an e-mailed transcript.

Mrs Clinton called his suggestion “wrong, counterproductive and unsafe”, and that it would be similar to “treating American Muslims like criminals”. Many said Cruz’s plan was irresponsible and not a legitimate military strategy.

Businessman Donald Trump, the leading Republican presidential candidate, told CNN that he supports Cruz’s idea “100 percent”. “So when I hear somebody saying we should carpet bomb Iraq or Syria, not only is that inhumane, not only is that contrary to our values, but that would likely be an extraordinary mechanism for (ISIS) to recruit more people willing to die and explode bombs in an airport or in a metro station”.

“Seventy years ago, my parents and grandparents were held prisoner during World War II without trial and without a reason other than their Japanese heritage”, Takano said.

Mr Trump has said it is acceptable to kill terrorists’ families and that the U.S. should not admit any Muslims into its borders. I understand why this is the top priority of the American people.

Kamel Haddouche is overseeing the rebuilding of the Al-Tawheed Islamic Center in Jersey City, N.J. It was destroyed in a fire in 2014. During an interview with The TODAY show, the senator from the Lone Star State said, “What I’m talking about is focusing law enforcement and national security resources on areas on locations where there is a higher incidence of radical Islamic terrorism”. “You have to get the information from these people”. “This is not freedom of speech when you speak hatred against a particular segment of society”. It’s not a free country.

The Detroit suburb of Dearborn is widely known as the hometown of Henry Ford, who hired Arabs and Muslims in the early days of the Ford Motor Co.

“Brussels has done one thing: It’s made the Muslim community stand on its heel”.

Clinton’s comments came at a rally in Stanford University in California where she suggested increasing partnership with USA allies to fight terrorism.


“Nobody”, he added, “wants to be on the fence anymore”.

Donald Trump Responds To Brussels Attack By Recommending More Torture, Says As President He'd Do 'A Lot More Than Waterboarding'