
‘Stolen’ jokes are being deleted by Twitter on copyright grounds

At least, that seems to be the case with one joke creator, freelance writer Olga Lexell, who reportedly had a few success recently in taking down tweets from other Twitter users who copied her joke without any attribution whatsoever.


Copying jokes on Twitter could now get you banned.

Twitter is cracking down on users who steal copyrighted material, and has started deleting stolen jokes. I then explained that as such, the jokes are my intellectual property, and that the users in question did not have my permission to repost them without giving me credit.


I wonder, if you spelled high-end with a hyphen, would Twitter still be able to take your joke down… Twitter has not yet responded to a request for comment. Lexell decided to ask Twitter to take down the tweets, as they were her intellectual property. Anyone can file a claim, though all filings are investigated to determine whether or not the complaint is accurate, supported by evidence and worth pursuing. Twitter also publishes DMCA requests publicly on the website Chilling Effects, though records of this particular claim do not appear to be on the site yet. If you alert the them to your tweet being stolen, the thieve will be added to the list Tweet Thieves Plagarists. And all professional comedians should probably leave the platform, too.

Stolen Jokes Being Removed