
Boundary County Democratic caucuses set for tomorrow

Ferguson expects a repeat of eight years ago, when 21,000 people attended Idaho’s Democratic caucuses after a rare visit by a presidential candidate – Barack Obama – whipped up interest in the state.


Organizers tell KTVB that they will start late due to thousands of people still waiting to get into the Boise Centre. As the meeting begins at 6:00 p.m., the doors will be closed at that time, and no further admittance will be allowed. Ada County officials initially reserved a downtown event center but now have also reserved a sports arena next door and the open outdoor space between the two buildings.

Four of the state’s most populated counties have had to make last-minute changes to expand or add new caucus venues to accommodate this year’s expected large crowds.

Unlike Idaho’s closed Republican primaries, anyone can vote in the state’s Democratic caucus, as long as they’re eligible to vote in the November general election and they didn’t already vote in the March 8 GOP primary.

Pallister says he and 10 friends are rooting for De La Fuente, in part because he likes the California businessman’s stance on equality issues.

Anecdotally, news reports show Bernie Sanders beating Hillary Clinton in caucuses in Bonneville County, Gooding County and Kootenai County.

The Washington Democratic caucus takes place Saturday, March 26. Spokespeople for the candidates will debate and attempt to sway attendees to join their groups. Sanders received 69 percent of the vote to earn nine of the 13 delegates at stake. The delegates chosen at the county caucuses will support their candidate at the state Democratic convention, and from there 27 delegates will be awarded to go to the national nominating convention.

Clinton is likely to spend her time in Washington state attacking Trump more than Sanders, given her Democratic opponent’s popularity here. Republican Trump and Democrat Clinton hope to strengthen their delegate leads in a race that will decide the nominations. On Tuesday, Hillary Clinton will be here doing the same with her supporters.


“Let us have a record breaking turn out”, said Sanders at the end of his speech Sunday. “It’s hard to say how it will go”.

Sanders campaign seems unwilling to meet with press in Boise