
Special Olympics World Games commence

It has been almost a year since Special Olympian Alec Gustafson and his father, Alan, learned they had been selected to compete in bocce at the Special Olympics World Games, which are contested in Los Angeles this week.


First Lady Michelle Obama showed up to close the ceremonies with text of inspiration, but just as nice were the Uganda athletes who organized for your ceremonies across the street by boogeying throughout the Activities Area ground.

The best game of the day came between Greece and Spain where the teams went into a tie after the first half and had an all out competition for the lead in the second half.

The Gustafsons said they have kept busy since they were added to the U.S. Special Olympic team last August. You fill us with so much joy.

Mayor Eric Garcetti briefly welcomed the athletes to Los Angeles following the parade of nations.

“I am the 2nd Jordan, you wish to learn why?” inquired US’s SOME-foot-6 hockey core Markfort.

McClenahan described the opening ceremony as “a music celebration of 6,500 athletes and their coaches”. Armagh (Ripples Special Olympics Club) won a bronze medal in the 100m backstroke.

Special Olympics exemplify everything Kaiser Permanente stands for – embracing diversity and strengthening the overall health of our communities”, says Georgina Garcia, executive director of Kaiser Permanente West Los Angeles.

The crowd awaits Stevie Wonder, Michelle Obama and the lighting of the Olympic torch during the Special Olympics World Games opening ceremonies July 25.

The Coliseum – the only stadium in the world to have hosted two Olympics, a World Series and a Super Bowl – is operated by USC under a long-term contract with the city, county and state, which own the facility.

It might surprise many to learn that people with intellectual disabilities are one of the largest and most medically underserved disability groups in the world; they have dramatically higher rates of preventable diseases, chronic pain and suffering and premature death in every country around the world.

Leaning on his surrogate family, Plunkett got even more involved with the Special Olympics.

In Special Olympics divisioning, intellectually disabled athletes in every sport and event are grouped by age, gender, and ability, giving everyone a reasonable chance to win. She stated she believed everyone ought to have an opportunity to really feel particular.


CRI correspondent Xiao Hong has more from Los Angeles.

Star-studded opening ceremony for 2015 Special Olympics