
Bangladesh reports Zika virus in patient with no travel history

There is now a worldwide alert for Zika virus as reports are out that the virus has spread to Asia and elsewhere in the world.


The computer models show that the highest mosquito abundance would likely to occur in southeast and south Texas.

“We’re really doing a preventive strategy now around Zika”. These symptoms align with the most common symptoms of Zika infection. Typically they present in the first two to seven days after infection, though about 80 percent of those exposed experience no symptoms. The link with microcephaly and other possibly serious birth defects is growing stronger every day.

A 43-year-old man has been infected with the Zika virus in South Korea.

Director-General, Dr Margaret Chan, said that in less than a year, the status of Zika has changed from “a mild medical curiosity” to a disease with severe public health implications. They were treated for symptoms within a week and were not hospitalized.

“He is the first South Korean patient infected with the Zika virus”. The condition is defined by unusually small heads that can result in developmental problems. Other uncertainties surround the incubation period of the virus and how Zika interacts with other viruses that are transmitted by mosquitoes, such as dengue.

“There are still many unknowns, but there’s much more known about it today than perhaps a year ago”, Madukah-Ezeh said. The majority were in people who traveled to Zika-afflicted countries, but at least six were sexually transmitted.

CDC Director Jung Ki-suck said at a news conference Tuesday that the patient went on a business trip to Brazil from February 17th to March eleventh.

She, however, said the knowledge base is building very rapidly, thanking all countries and their scientists who have worked to help build up the evidence base.

In addition, “the Department of Health continues to test pregnant women without symptoms of zika”.

The Zika virus is most concerning to pregnant women on the island.

“We’re also working in places pregnant women will go, such as childcare centres and primary schools, doctors’ surgeries, whatever”.

People need to take precautions, Madukah-Ezeh said.

Travelers to these areas are specifically advised to wear long-sleeved shirts and long trousers, and to use approved insect repellents. She also says to avoid having any shallow standing bodies of water, so any dishes or bowls with water in them should be emptied out, and then scrubbed to eliminate possible mosquito eggs.

The state’s plan targets the virus at its source – Aedes mosquitoes – with enhanced trapping and testing throughout the entire downstate region.


“Unfortunately there is no way to predict that”, Madukah-Ezeh said.

NY to Ramp Up Fight Against Zika Virus in Rockland County