
Congress pushes ahead on highway bill after Senate smackdown

It lost its charter as of June, and funding is frozen unless Congress reauthorizes it. If it does not happen within the next six months, the doors of the EX-IM Bank will be permanently shut.


A congressional source told PPD that Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kty., might allow one and only one amendment to the highway bill, the amendment to fund the Export-Import Bank.

The Obamacare amendment was offered to please Republican senators.

The House has voted about 60 times to repeal or delay all or part of the Obama program. Last year, 865 business organization, including Alcoa Inc (NYSE:AA) Inc. and Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE:LMT) Corp wrote a letter urging officials to support the bank’s continuation. Most modern nations have their own EX-IM bank. “The slots for these amendments will open once the Senate disposes of them”. We’ll soon find out who is telling the truth, but conservatives are furious at the prospect the majority leader will cut their long-sought victory against the “corporate slush fund” short.

Following the floor fireworks, senators voted 67-26 vote to move forward toward an eventual vote to add the Ex-Im bank’s reauthorization to the highway bill. It’s been renewed in the past with little or no controversy, but in recent years conservatives have turned it into a rallying cry. Blunt says that he has heard form Missouri bankers concerned with the dividend reduction.

Former Ex-Im Bank loan officer Johnny Gutierrez was charged with bribery in April for accepting cash bribes 19 different times during a period stemming from 2006 to 2013.

The Export-Import (EX-IM) Bank is a government-owned organization that was started by President Franklin D. Currently, we have an Ex-Im insurance policy that reduces the risk of shipping expensive custom-tooled products out of U.S. jurisdiction and into the reaches of China. Today, less than two percent of America’s exports are supported by the taxpayer-subsidized loans.

“All of us have been enormously frustrated by being in the minority and by Harry Reid not allowing us to do our job and to represent our states”, Cornyn said in January of the former majority leader.

For the moment, leaders of both chambers are insisting that only their version of the legislation will fly. This year, big business spent more than ever to protect their interests, which are outlined below. During the second quarter of 2015, Boeing almost tripled its spending on lobbying efforts from the previous quarter. As the President/CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, it is assumed that I would support all avenues of capital access.

Chairmanship of the committee alternates between the Senate and House every Congress. The chairman of the committee for the 114th Congress is Sen. The claim simply does not hold up to scrutiny.

As an employee of a small manufacturing company in Western Washington, I can attest to how our exports have been helped by the Export-Import Bank. As CATO economist and PPD contributor Dan Mitchell explained, if you count the “unseen” jobs destroyed by subsidies and intervention, the overall impact would be very negative.

WASHINGTON Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz ripped into his celebration’s institution on Friday, calling Senate Republican chief Mitch McConnell a liar throughout an uncommon public assault on the ground of the Senate.


McConnell, who said he has had conversations with House Speaker John Boehner about the transportation bill, also told the group there won’t be a tax reform bill this year. “If the Senate’s liberals get to bring the Ex-Im Bank back to life, Senate conservatives should be allowed to defund Planned Parenthood”.

Fifty six percent of Americans disapprove US President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act, otherwise known as Obamacare