
Things Christians Miss about Easter

Good Friday shows that God was faithful to his promises and the prophecies of old were fulfilled 2,000 years ago when the Saviour was born as a man, a man who was good, indeed God himself, in Lord Jesus Christ. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God.


Easter customs vary across the Christian world, but decorating Easter eggs is a common motif. God loves us. God’s love enables us to carry our cross and not be crushed by it. In learning to die, we find the way that leads to eternal life. Thank YOU, Holy Spirit, for it’s by YOU, Holy Spirit, that My Lord, Jesus Christ, comes to Abide within me, and YOU, Holy Spirit are My Counselor and My Guide.

Christians understand that Christ’s blood was shed for our sins, that “lamb of God”, is another title for Jesus and that the Angel of Death passes over us, too. Therefore, using my limited time, in This World, sharing Your Gospel, using The Spiritual Gifts YOU have Blessed me with, is the least I can do, for YOU, Lord Jesus.

On the first Good Friday the Easter message of hope and life must have seemed an impossible reality. We look around our world and we see much suffering, violence and betrayal.

This Good Friday we are looking forward to Sunday and the significance of Jesus’ overcoming death and the grave.

One of the great things about the new Fiji is a heightened appreciation on the part of everyone that while we may take a particular religious path ourselves, the beliefs of others should be respected.

After his death, he wanted his followers to remember him while they share bread and wine. “More than that, we are then found to be false witnesses about God”. Other symbols of Good Friday include black cloth used to cover the cross, paintings and statues in churches and some homes to signify mourning.

However, the results of Christ’s death are very good! Even now, we can realize the power of divine mercy and love over the hatred and indifference that underlies all indignities toward any member of humanity.

“It’s Christ’s commandment to love one another as he has loved us”, Koerner said.

And every Sunday, the people of God gather to celebrate the Resurrection.

In the Eucharist Jesus draws us into a loving friendship with him, and with one another, a communion of souls; truly a holy communion.


If you hadn’t noticed, this week is Holy Week for most Christians. It’s even more wonderful that He died for mankind’s sinfulness, but if we neglect the fact of His Resurrection we have missed the whole meaning of this wonderful season (1 Corinthians 15:13-19).

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