
Cruz-Trump spat over wives takes nastier turn

But you mess with my wife, you mess with my kids, that’ll do it every time.


As a result, the Republican National Committee vowed to do better, suggesting message training for candidates and a focus on “developing a forward-leaning vision for voting Republican that appeals to women” in a post-2012 report.

As polls closed in Tuesday’s contests, Trump tweeted: “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!”

That claim is “empirically false”, said Chris Wilson, a pollster for Cruz. Ted Cruz reached a new level Tuesday night after the billionaire real estate mogul threatened to release private information about Heidi Cruz.

The former candidate’s delegates might be tough for the front-runner to win over, though, particularly as Rubio himself describes Ted Cruz as the only true conservative left in the race. “Heidi Cruz, likewise, very smart lady”.

Patrick said Texas has had great success stopping smuggling across the Mexican border and reducing crime in border towns through stepped-up state enforcement efforts.

“Let me just say: She is the most lovely, extraordinary, generous, loving, amazing, fantastic woman on the face of the planet”, Ted Cruz said.

Unlike the old days, those delegates are not hand-picked by party leaders.

“There is zero chance that we would drop out before Wisconsin. And there’d be no reason for us to”, Kasich told reporters as he campaigned in the state, acknowledging his only hope to secure the nomination lies at a contested convention this summer in Cleveland. Trump won Arizona and Cruz took Utah in the latest state primary contests to represent the party in the November 8 presidential election.

McIntosh says a vote for Kasich is a vote for Trump. And he sent a note to New York Times columnist Gail Collins that said she had the “face of a dog”.

For some context, here’s how it looks on the Democratic side. While it’s true that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders both have some deeply loyal supporters, they also both benefit from people who make up their minds later. “Don’t nominate someone this vulnerable to attacks from the Democratic Party”.

The race turned personal on Wednesday when a super-PAC backing Cruz used a photo of Trump’s wife Melania naked in a magazine spread, prompting a sharp response from the front-runner.

“Slogans aren’t a strategy”.

Trump has a substantial lead in the delegate chase for the GOP nomination.

Our Principles embraces its role as potential spoiler: One online advertisement begins by warning viewers that what they are about to see would be repeated by Democrats if Trump is the GOP nominee. The state’s voters, he said, “are going to find themselves at the center of the political universe”. But he made his analysis clear. “My friend Governor Kasich can not”, Walker said in an interview with WTMJ-AM broadcast on Wednesday.

The war of words comes on the heels of the candidates’ split win earlier this week.


The senator from Texas went on to say that he will beat Trump for the Republican presidential nomination.

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