
Bangladesh man who has never travelled overseas tests positive for Zika virus

The Zika virus was first discovered in Uganda in 1947. South Korea became the most MERS-contagious country outside the Middle East, with a combined death toll of 36.


It is likely to spread to all countries in the Americas except for Canada and Chile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has said.

Andrew Monaghan, the lead author of the study said, if this the case, then Zika virus could hit both South and East.

There is now no vaccine for the Zika virus.

However, much remains unknown about Zika, including whether the virus actually causes microcephaly in babies.

Anxiety about a Zika epidemic emerged in South Korea on Tuesday as the first case of the mosquito-borne virus was reported in the country that has a trauma of an explosive spread of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in 2015. Cases have been also reported in several European countries and Asia.

WHO declared the Zika outbreak an global health emergency on February 1, citing a “strongly suspected” relationship between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly, which can result in developmental problems.

There is not only growing evidence that Zika causes immune reactions leading to abnormally small heads in newborns – a condition known as microcephaly – but also to inflammation of the spinal chord and brain tissue, as well as impaired hearing and sight. “We now know that sexual transmission of the virus occurs”.

The state Controlling Board okayed $99,625 to buy “BG Sentinel mosquito traps” from California-based Bio-Quip Products Inc., as part of the Ohio Department of Health’s zoonotic disease program.


The hospital is said to have reached its latest decision after consulting with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) and as the patient is now awaiting natural recovery without the need for specific treatment. While some Brazilian health experts believe the outbreak of the Zika virus is linked to the surge in rare birth defects like microcephaly, this city-run hospital is a case in point of government neglect. A 46-year-old man from Bernalillo county in New Mexico, tested positive after he traveled to Central America.

Jefferson County health officials offer info on Zika