
Cruz calls Trump “snivelling coward” and says “leave Heidi the hell alone”

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton also blasted Trump and Ted Cruz, calling their counterterrorism proposals “wrong” and “counterproductive”. The Islamic State militant group claimed responsibility.


“On NBC’s Today show, Graham also appeared exasperated with the way Cruz and Trump were attacking each other over their wives”.

With only 17 Republican primary contests remaining, Wisconsin, the next state in the Republican nominating contest, is a critical opportunity for Donald Trump opponents to hinder his candidacy. President Obama said America would do all it could to help bring the perpetrators to justice.

“If Cruz can keep Trump from 1,237, it’s wide open”, said David Carney, a veteran GOP consultant who is not affiliated with any presidential campaign. “Any kind of program that singled out Muslims or any faith or minority community for warrantless surveillance would violate those rights”.

Donald Trump has mocked MPs who branded him a “wazzock”, “buffoon” and “fool” when they attempted to have the US Presidential hopeful banned from the United Kingdom for his anti-Muslim remarks.

The gearing up to face the inevitable anti-Muslim backlash after a terror attack in Belgium.

– President Barack Obama criticizing his potential presidential replacement, Ted Cruz, during a news conference in Argentina for suggesting that police should patrol Muslin neighborhoods following the terrorist attacks in Brussels.

“I just have to say it’s reprehensible”, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio told CBS News of Cruz’s proposal. He has taken some of his toughest stances on terrorism – repeatedly saying that the United States must “carpet bomb” the Islamic State into oblivion – while warning against unnecessary intervention overseas.

After the 9/11 attacks, the New York Police Department used its intelligence division to cultivate informants and conduct surveillance in Muslim communities. In a series of articles, The Associated Press revealed that authorities had infiltrated dozens of mosques and Muslim student groups and investigated hundreds of them. That program, however, was disbanded after allegations of religious and racial profiling surfaced.

The Anti-Defamation League, a USA group that battles anti-Semitism worldwide, said Cruz’s plan harkens back to the relocation of Japanese-Americans to internment camps during World War II.

It’s been asked before, whether or not Donald Trump has the staying power to reach the required number of delegates to seal the deal, we’ve even reported on it here at the Inquisitr, but after the last round of presidential primaries and caucuses, Donald Trump is closer than ever, leaving some to speculate on whether or not Ted Cruz and John Kasich could stop – or even slow down – the juggernaut that has been the Trump campaign.

His statement did not go over well in the Muslim community. Radical Islamic terrorism should be targeted by local law enforcement agencies the way they target drugs, gangs and human trafficking, it said.


The Detroit suburb of Dearborn is widely known as the hometown of Henry Ford, who hired Arabs and Muslims in the early days of the Ford Motor Co.

After Losses Can Trump Get To 1,237 Delegates