
Is the GOP’s stop Trump campaign too late?

Borges insisted the convention is going to be an “orderly process, transparent process”, and said if Trump shows up without the majority of the delegates “that’s his fault”. “It is exactly what is wrong with the GOP establishment and it is ignoring the will of the voters”, he said.


“We’ve got four weeks to identify what the most effective path is”, said Tim Miller, a former Jeb Bush aide who now works for an anti-Trump super PAC.

Although Trump continues to dominate the race with an overwhelming lead in the number of delegates, he still has to win the required threshold of 1,237 delegates to be the party’s presumptive nominee.

“We intend to keep our options open as to other avenues to oppose Donald Trump”, Erickson concluded in his statement. The Grand Old Party (GOP) leaders are scrambling to stop the surge and possibly the inevitable nomination of Trump, contending that he goes antithetical to the conservative values and principles the party stands for. “In contrast, only 21% of Republicans who have a favorable opinion of Cruz say they will vote for him”.

Erickson participated in the meeting by phone because he has pneumonia, Politico reported.

But the rules in the Republican primaries, as we are now seeing, are not ideally designed to create consensus.

“He chose to speak right in the middle of the debate [because] he’s scared to debate”, Cruz said.

What do you think of Trump’s statements about riots?!

On the brink of a two-man race with Donald Trump, Ted Cruz is drawing more attention than ever from those organizing to prevent the billionaire from winning the Republican presidential nomination at all costs – an increasingly urgent task to some as Trump racks up delegates and momentum. Trump has been ahead in the polls, Cruz is organizing in targeted districts and Kasich is counting on the support of the popular former Gov. Tommy Thompson.

Trump’s rise has long anxious many in the party. Though trailing badly in delegates, he is spending about $1.8 million on Arizona ads, triple Clinton’s media plan.

In a direct matchup between just Cruz versus Trump, Trump still wins NY 69 percent to 25 percent-something that will probably make Cruz backers a bit uneasy, as they’ve been hoping that a head-to-head with Trump would be more beneficial to the Texas senator.

“It is unlikely that anybody is going to achieve enough delegates to avoid a convention”, said Gov. John Kasich.


Just a handful of states will vote between now and mid-April. The campaign is predicting success Tuesday in Utah and upcoming contests in North Dakota, Wisconsin and Colorado. “It’s up to them”, he said on CNN’s “New Day”. Requirements for delegates differ from state to state, with some requiring them to be committed only for the first ballot and others for as many as three rounds of voting. I think bad things would happen, I really do.
